How can we improve office productivity?

February 05 2 min read

“Work smarter not harder”

As you’ve probably gathered by now we love to start our articles off with an overused catch phrase. A phrase we’ve all heard countless times before, however if you want to get the most out of your day (and your life for that matter), you’ve probably thought about things that make you more productive. This week we are bringing you some office hacks that will help increase your offices productivity.

Productivity in the office

1. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee

The coffee craze has already engulfed the Sydney city, everywhere you go you’ll find someone with a hot brew in their hand. The scientific benefits found are increased alertness, productivity and creativity. Having a coffee machine available in the office is linked to increased happiness and employee satisfaction, if you can’t fight the caffeine addition in Australia, why not embrace it?

2. Introduce some greenery

You may sound a bit crazy asking your boss for new plants in the office but the science actually backs the claim. A study by the APA found that workers in spaces with plants showed 1.5% higher productivity levels. The fresh oxygen created by plants is also linked to increasing cognitive function.

3. Food

Food is more than fuel — it is a catalyst to employee wellbeing and office productivity. Workers spend a lot of time eating meals alone, in front of their computers, in the name of efficiency and multi-tasking. However, research suggests that team-centric activities like eating together, can improve workplace productivity. It’s also a way to show that you care about your employees.

4. Gamification

Of course our nerdy growth hacker really wanted this one on the list. Gamification can be used to motivate employees by making work more competitive and rewarding. For example, the person who makes the most sales gets shouted a drink by everyone else, or the person who . They can be simpler or more complex then this but the point is they facilitate productive work, in fact 91% of workers report a better work satisfaction after Gamification. Let’s face it, at heart everyone is a little bit competitive.

5. Fitness

Exercise can help combat stress and improve both mental and physical health, which is important considering that about a third of working Australians identify work as a source of stress and job strain.

Comment below what has worked in your office or send us an email at

P.S Here at Hampr we are a big fan of table tennis, we aren’t quite sure it facilitates productivity but we are sure it increases enjoyment at work.

Workplace Relations
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We help offices co-ordinate staff lunches, manage their pantry inventory, and organise event catering.

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